Educating Hearts and Minds for
More than Seventy Years
Our Nursery students love to come to school. Our classroom is a place where fun is encouraged and smiles and laughter are mandatory. Special crafts according to the season, painting, songs and nursery rhymes, playing inside and out are all a part of our day. There are also classroom performances so parents, family members and friends can see how the Little Scholars are growing and learning. Our Nursery classroom is a wonderful place where children learn, play and develop friendships.
Our Pre-K classrooms are filled with learning, exploration, and FUN! During our daily morning meetings, the children learn about the weather, calendar, patterns and days of the week. Our weekly thematic units such as transportation, insects, the five senses, and dinosaurs integrate activities in all subject areas. The children learn their letters and sounds as well as number recognition and formation. Most importantly, our children learn how to be a friend, share, and cooperate. They are taught about God’s love and how to appreciate the gifts that He has given to us. We celebrate special days and families of our children can look forward to wonderful classroom performances throughout the year!