Educating Hearts and Minds for
More than Seventy Years
Post-Training Registration Instructions Copyright 2002-2003 by The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. All rights reserved. This information last revised on 2/24/2004.
How do you record your attendance of a training session and register for continued online training?
1. Go to or your diocese’s website and click the VIRTUS Online link.
2. Click the yellow link labeled “Registration.”
3. Enter the password “trust” in the subsequent registration password box.
4. Click the “Enter” Button in the registration password box.
5. Choose the name of your organization from the pull-down menu by clicking the downward arrow and shading your organization by holding down your mouse button.
6. Once your organization is selected, click “Select.”
7. Choose the second option, labeled, “I have attended a Protecting God’s Children session,” by clicking on the green arrow. Provide a user name and a password you can easily remember. This is needed if you are selected for continued training.
9. Select the location where you work or volunteer, not necessarily where you attend services (if different).
10. Select the department that you work for in your role as an employee or volunteer (if any).
11. Select your classification (clergy, employee, or volunteer, for example).
12. Other required fields include name and phone number.
13. Enter your email address – it is required. If you do not have an email address, consider obtaining a free email account at, or any other free service or consider sharing an email account with someone else. If you have neither Internet access nor an email address, your VIRTUS Programs Coordinator will contact you. Other options may be available. If you do not have an email address enter: [email protected]. This will notify your VIRTUS Coordinator that you do not have an email address.
14. You will see a drop-down menu of training sessions. If the session you attended is present, choose it from the list. If the session you attended is not present, select: “THE SESSION I ATTENDED IS NOT LISTED.”
15. Finish filling out the form and click “Submit” at the bottom of the screen.
16. IF the session you attended was not listed, you will see a new screen that looks like the image to the right. Fill in as much information as possible about the session you attended. Then, click the “Submit Registration” button. You will receive a confirmation message on screen indicating that your registration was successful. Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive an email message confirming that your training session has been registered successfully.
If selected, you will also receive notice of continued web-based training accessed using the user name and password you provided. Additional instructions will be provided by email informing you how to access your online training. For most organizations, this training is mandatory.
PLEASE NOTE: Your VIRTUS Coordinator must approve your registration and confirm your attendance of the training session. You will receive the email confirmation after the approval process is complete. In some cases, this may take several days, or even a few weeks. For further assistance, please call the VIRTUS® Help Desk at 888-847-8870.